1 min readApr 23, 2021

I am proud to present brand new Joy Stream testnet service was updated to new network.
Now all the services are constantly available, it’s to start, it’s easy to operate and it’s really userfriendly.

Everyoone has an opportunity to catch up an idea to perform as tester of currently developing blockcjain project “Joy Stream”.
The main idea is still the same — decentralized stream service, competitor of leading stream services worldwide.
Let’s imagine the prospectives — it captivates and charming. Just think about huge decentralized media hub that includes everything — from blockchain news till travels and worlfweide news streams.
Probably, one of the best ideas I heard for a long time, because it will rule by it’s users.

During the time, project will grow up and deep, i have no doubt that it have a lot chances to get to the top.
I’d like to imagine about mass of media inforamtion connceted with blockchain and crypto — announcments /analyse/forecasts — everything.

And now you can be a part of this concept.
Just start to be a tester — you can provide activities such as node validating, bug finding and connections with developers to improve the basic concepts.
Also you can play a role of consultant — giving advices to new recruits of project.
Plese, take a look — i’d like to share a link with you.

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