The DAO philosophy and it’s actual using.

2 min readAug 7, 2021


DAO is short for decentralized autonomous organization that means is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members and not influenced by a central government.

If simplyfied it means that every each member of project’s community has opportunity to manage proccess and to improve internal and external business proccesses.

Nowdays this philosophy finding actual use in blockchain projets and I’d like to present you the most promising of them — ‘JoyStream’.

The tilte of project

It is DAO-oriented project core thing of it — video service, fully functioned like well-known brands YouTube and Twich.

Now it’s in testnet stage, all useful links i will attach below.

Service gives you an oporunity to next things:

to be a part of community;

to get project roles like tester, promoter, content curator and developer. Of cousre this work are paid;

and, finally, to elect to the Counci — main branch of ideas and management. Every elected persons are from community. Elections are provided every week.And, that is most imortant feature — it’s absolutely clear and fair;

Opportunity to became Founding member — great role with great opportunities in future.

I think, it’s right to pay attention to this — beacuse it’s unique expirience to be a part of DAO-based blockchain project.

Follow the link and explore this opportunities:



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